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1960   Born in Rosenfeld, Germany
1979   Abitur
1979-87   Studies of English and French language and literature at Tübingen University;
Study visits to France and Great Britain
1980-82   Nude drawing at Zeicheninstitut, University of Tübingen
1982-85   Painting classes with Lothar Schall, Universiity of Tuebingen
1983   Study Trip to Apt, France, with Mr Schall´s class
1988-92   Studio at the Sociocultural Centre Sudhaus, Tübingen: Painting, Collage, poster design, Projects
1992   Teacher training for secondary education higher level
1995-96   Training in desktop-publishing, Media GmbH, Reutlingen
1999-2000   Project manager Multilingual, multimedial dictionary of forestry, Rottenburg College
1987-2006   Teaching at various institutions, state and private
since 2006   Resuming of collage and painting, integration of other creative techniques
Attendance of theology lectures at University of Tuebingen for artistic use and commissioned art work
    Christine Bizer lives in Tübingen
    Art shows
1984   Neue Neue Aula, University of Tübingen
1985   Kupferbau, University of. Tübingen
1988   L'Osteria, Stuttgart
1988   Collaboration in painting a subway in Tübingen, with ImPuls e.V., Workshop of young Tübingen artists, commissioned by the City of Tübingen (1988)
1989   Various small art shows at the ImPuls - rooms
1991   Sociocultural Centre Kukuk e.V. , Jena
1991   Arts Council, Durham, England
1991   With E. Gaugele and S. Heliosch, Sudhaus, Tübingen
1993   With K. Stemmler, Kulturamt Tübingen